(Pic 1 & 2 is what the incision looks like now.)
That spinal incision did not seal up all the way before the glue wore off so I took him to the ER since I could not get an appt. The neuro surgeon on call talked with Dr. Hannigan and he decided to put him in because he wants to clean it up and re-stitch it. It's not infected but he want to make sure it doesn't get infected until he can get to it to clean him up. It is really bothering Matthew. He's crying when he's moved. He was actually getting better with the pain but I can tell he's going down if they don't get it fixed.
(In picture on left, this is left over bruising from March 30th. Don't know what the heck they did.. The IV wasn't even in this hand.) Also bruising on his scrotum.) Veda says he could have been lying wrong on his hand when they did the surgery and a blood vessel could have ruptured in his scrotum when the line was being ran of the cath could have caused it.) The world may never know.
Since we are up here, I am going to call the neurologist and see if they can come by and turn his pump up since we are already in Jackson. It is scheduled for Friday but it won't hurt them to stop by over here and do it.
When we were admitted, it was straight from the ER so I was not prepared at all. I had only a days supply of everything. Did not have any of Matthew's meds with me. They had no orders for meds because I didn't have the meds or dosages with me so we have to wait until John gets here.. around 10PM. I didn't even bother to ask what took so long. I have no motrin so we have to wait on orders for that.
I asked for Motrin at 5AM, still don't have it. I asked for Loritab an hour ago,, still don't have it. I am ready to pack him up and take him somewhere else. I am going give them 10 more minutes then Im calling Dr. Hannigan's office and telling them Im packing up and leaving with Matthew if they don't give him some pain meds.
Dr. Hannigan just came in. He said his incision didn't look that bad at all but they would fix him up and put him on antibiotics. He would check on the pain med. Wonder how long that's gonna take.
I had a lot of help with him last week. Mom, dad, Mary, and Makenna came
down from Kingsport, TN. Makenna was a helper too, in between the times she was spreading her "beans" (jelly beans) all throughout the house. She is my granddaughter, Matthew's half sister.
The neuro called 10:03. They are going to come in and up his pm 10%. I don't understand why he is so much more pain today. It seems to be coming from his back.. I don't know.. It could be his hips.. He cries every time he wakes up.. even with the pain meds. Poor baby.. I try to make things better and this is what happens.
Last photo is the incision in the front. You can still see the glue is holding it together well. Bruising is fading.
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