Ok, I've done everything I know to do and still no luck getting the myoclonics under control. Now we are dealing with myoclonics AND laughing seizures. The lamictal has not done anything to help. All I have been noticing is that the jerks were getting harder and now it's a mix of jerks and laughing siezures. I wanted to avoid the hospital as much as possible for our little man but the neuro says to bring him in for another EEG and then he can either up the lamictal more or add another seizure med. Im going to tell him that I don't want matthew like a Zombie. He said that a few of the jerks don't bother him so I am much willing to deal with a few of the jerks than having him totally zonked out all day and night. That's no way for a little boy to have to live. What little bit we can do with him is out of the picture if he is sleeping all the time. THat also leaves room for him to get sick and possibly get pneumonia, especially in this weather.

I guess I better go to bed since we have to get up early. I don't even have everything ready to go. Even packing his stuff and mine for an overnight stay can take a while. He uses more bibs than diapers so I have to make sure I have them all ready and the baby food and feederbottle juice, babylax, diapers, diaper doublers, his fav pillows, toys, and of course meds. Im sure I'll forget something though.

I caught myself eating everything I could get my hands on and realized that it was stress and nervousness. I really don't want to gain my weight back but in times like these I over eat before I realize it. I ate 7 of the small york peppermint patties, about 8 lemon cookies, 5 low fat pringles, 2 sloppy joes, a cucumber, 2 frozen sausage biscuits before I knew what happened!!!!

Good Night.