Instead of re-writing my email to my yahoo support groups, I just decided to copy and paste it into my journal today.

We got home today. Like some of you all said, he added Keppra and plans to take him off of the Lamictal in two weeks. He just had a cocktail of Keppra,Lamictal,baclofen,phenylbarbitol,Kolopin and Levoxyl. Poor thing is so crashed, It worries me. His blood pressure was really low last night and the night before but the neuro didn't seem to think it was low enough to worry about. It's hard for me because I can't sleep for getting up and checking on him every few minutes to see if he's still breathing. He sleeps so sound. We will be talking to him to see if we can wean him off of the phenylbarbitol too since it hasn't been upped in over a year so it's probably not helping anyway. He's only had two laughing seizures in two days and his jerks are not nearly as hard and not lasting as long so maybe the keppra is helping. He's not groggy or sleepy during the day but he's VERY IRRATABLE. My arms and back hurt so much yesterday from holding and trying to keep him happy that they are sore today. Like I have been lifting weights for two days straight. We had the sweetest nurses this time. One was a pediactric nurse student and she picked matthew as her patient. She said as soon as she saw him she told everyone else that he was HERS . lol She has a daughter with brain malformation. One side is smaller than the other and has a missing corpus collosum (not sure if it's spelled right) Her daughter is blind too. She brought pictures and they even have the same "facial" looks and expressions about them. We plan to keep in touch by email. We have not had very many nice nurses in a while and it's about time we did. I am still shocked at how nice and helpful everyone was. Thanks to the Donnelly's for your information. Im glad we are taking him off the Lamictal. I never liked that stuff in the first place. I just hope he has a better day tomorrow. I need a few good days. Especially with tendon release surgery coming up next month.I better go check on him again. Thanks
Ganny Charlotte