This really happened this morning, at least the part about too many bubbles in the bathtub.

We put too many bubbles in the bathtub, two feet of bubbles in the bathtub, three feet of bubbles in the bathtub, please tell us what to do!

Scoop em up and put em in the toilet, four feet of bubbles in the toilet, five feet of bubbles in the toilet, please tell us what to do

Scoop em up and pour them out the window, six feet of bubbles in the back yard, seven feet of bubbles in the back yard, please tell us what to do.

Scoop em up and put em in the dog's bowl, eight feet of bubbles in the dog's bowl, nine feet of bubbles in the dog's bowl, please tell us what to do.

Ten feet of bubbles in my doggie, ten feet of bubbles in my doggie, ten feet of bubbles in my doggies, please tell me what to do.

Pick him up and take him to the doctor, pick him up and take him to the doctor, pick him up and take him to the doctor, He'll tell us what to do.

(sing this part sadly with a frown)
No more bubbles in the bathtub, not one tiny bubble in the bathtub, Not a single bubble in the bathtub, ganny grounded me and you!

Cute but kind of silly. lol