#1 is the bumper of the old tube
#2 is the catheter that is attached to the bumper that held it in place before it was cut and slipped back into Matthew's stomach.
#3 is the balloon of the new mickey. It looks to me as if it's pushing against the old tube that fell in which is possible because he immediately put in the new one and filled the balloon.
Both #4's are part of the new mickey.

We are going tomorrow and the surgeon is going to take a look at the x-ray and we may have to get it removed endoscopically. I hate it but there's nothing else I can do about what happened. It was an accident and accident happen. I also think it is imperative that it be removed because if Ganny is right, it has not moved down at all since it fell in and it's possible it to embed in something and cause problems.
I'll let ya'll know soon if Dr. Ganny was correct or not but I don't think that surgeion will let me think I was right at all on the xray.


Anonymous said...

Charlotte, Sure looks like to me that the missing link is sure in the tummy. I cant imagine passing something like that, and I cant quite see how that can be good for matthew to be left in there so long. Good luck with that and will look forward to reading an update.
Michelle Lerch, mom to Alyson ILS

Kelly said...

Hey Charlotte,

Don't every underestimate the power we have to "know" when it comes to our kids! BTW: I agree with you on how people just make mistakes....I'm sure glad I don't have to worry about people sueing me for every time I make a mistake, like docs have to worry. I even told my daughter's ped neuro that we will understand if he ever makes a mistake--to just tell us about it and help us fix it. I hope that takes some of that pressure off. Nowadays, docs feel that they are gonna get sued if they even apologize...because they're "admitting" wrong by doing it. What they don't realize is that most people WOULDN'T sue if the doc would just say they're sorry!

I'm sure Matthew will do fine, but he has a great Ganny to thank fo looking out for him!

~Kelly from the LGS board

Anonymous said...

Yup. I sure do see it. I like the little man, too!! Seriously, my prayers go out to you and little Matthew and I'm so sorry that you have to go through this.

Debra Banting, SchizKidz Buddies