I wanted to share this. Remember the double rainbow we saw just before Matthew's surgery? This Says it all:

Every cloud has a silver lining

and every rainy day leaves behind a special gift

A rainbow!

RED is the colour of love, passion and life, of beautiful roses and life-giving blood.

Orange is the colour of abundance, tasty fruit and autumn evenings with its with their glorious sunsets

YELLOW is the colour of happiness, sunshine and shining flowers

GREEN is the colour of nature, herbs, fields, woods and the colour of HOPE.

BLUE is the colour of life, of the sky, the air we breathe, and the water the surrounds the earth.

INDIGO is the colour of midnight and dreams.

VIOLET is the colour of peace and tranquility, the deep sea and the first light of dawn.

Life is a beautiful rainbow...
Remember that if you always want to see a rainbow......or Two!!

You must endure the rain!