Matthew pneumonia is cleared up but of course it will take a good week to get him completely over it. He is still in pain, day 3 after surgery but nearly as bad as day 1. Each day gets a little better. He has some extreme bruising. I was aware that they had to make a very long incision for the pump but not made aware of how they run the line from the pump to the spine. Take a look at these pictures.. Looks like he has a bruise belt.
He is still in pain but it is definitely less painful everyday.
The doctor wants to keep us one more night to watch for infection because he had been running fever. More later.
I hope Matthew is feeling better. I don't have any suggestions or thoughts about what happened. My daughter has a pump but her wound area didn't look anything like Matthews. I hope he improves and quickly. Barb Brown
So Matthew's is a lot worse? I know I did research on the pump before he got it. Saw a lot of pics and video but I only saw the incision where in the front. I didn't see the spinal incision and the where they ran the line from the spine to the pump. I was thinking that was done endoscopically. I think they just went in their after surgery and beat him with a hammer is what I really think they did ... that's what it looks like. Poor baby.
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