Happy Mother's Day!
For our Mother's Day Service at church, I was asked to write a poem or something from Matthew to me. That only seems propers since I am Matthew's voice, arms , legs. etc. So here it is. My husband read if for me in church.

From your "other" half.
To Ganny From Matthew

I don't have to see you to know who you are. I know you by the sound of your voice and the touch of your hand.
I don't have to see you to know that you love me because I can feel it all around me whenever you hold me. I just don't feel it a lot when I'm laying all by myself so that's why you have to pick me up, that's why I cry when you lay me down, I don't think it has nothing to do with being spoiled.

I don't have to walk or crawl with you because you will carry me or push me in my chair. I don't have to stay home because I cannot walk, you take me everywhere. I have been on an airplane and got to ride with the Pilot and I have ridden on a boat on the middle of Lake Michigan and stayed in a four start Hotel and snuggled with you on feather downed mattresses and pillows. You held me on the top of the sears tower and I have been on a Big Red Fire truck and I have been on sliding boards in the park. You even let me play and walk barefoot in the grass sometimes. You let me ride on the carousale at walmart almost everytime we go. I go to the archade and walking in the park. I go swim- swim almost everyday, even in the winter. You take me to Church and let me go in your Sunday School Class. Oh, I like to go to garage sales too. I have done things that some kids have never gotten to do. My Ganny has big muscles so she can carry me.

I don't have to be able to talk but I know what stuff means. Like nodding my head "yes" or "falling down" when you play ring around the rosies with me. You are my voice, you know exactly what I need without me having to tell you. You sing to me and you dance with me all the time. I love music and you help me clap my hands, I love to clap. I especially love to hear other people clap for me.

Every time you roll over at night, you roll me over too. You take me to all my doctors appointments and keep me healthy and safe. We take baths together and you help me splash water all over the bathroom and you let me jump on the bed. You help me use the potty like a big boy. You read me books and sing to me all the time. You feed me good so I don't have to get a feeding tube.

You say my night prayers with me everynight. You bring me a warm bottle of apple juice and rub my head if I can't go back to sleep. You don't even get mad at me if I get up at 2AM and want to play.

I just want to say Thank You Ganny for taking care of me. I also want to say thank you to PaPa John because he loves me too and so does Uncle Casey and Uncle Korey and mom and dad and ggpa and ggma pugh and ggpa and ggpa Boatman.... When God sent me here on earth I was kind of worried but looks like God had it all planned out.

I know sometimes you all get tired and I just wear you out but just know that I love you and one day I will hold your hands while we clap, run, sing and dance and shout throughout eternity.

Love "Your other Half".